- Exegi monumentum
Никогда еще эхо инфополя не было настолько быстрым и громким.
Я только подумал, поскролил вниз и желаемое появилось![:)](/picture/3.gif)
Какой-то [великий] человек собрал в виде списка все сюжетные видео по Варкрафту до Шадоулендов.
В список мной добавлены безномерные позиции, которые пропущены составителем.
Стоит потом просмотреть еще внимательно, может что-то упущено.
![World of WarCraft, classic logo, 2004 World of WarCraft, WoW vanilla classic logo 2004](http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4009/avegamers.7/0_35501_762ad990_L.png)
Я только подумал, поскролил вниз и желаемое появилось
Какой-то [великий] человек собрал в виде списка все сюжетные видео по Варкрафту до Шадоулендов.
В список мной добавлены безномерные позиции, которые пропущены составителем.
Стоит потом просмотреть еще внимательно, может что-то упущено.
![World of WarCraft, classic logo, 2004 World of WarCraft, WoW vanilla classic logo 2004](http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4009/avegamers.7/0_35501_762ad990_L.png)
1. Warcraft III ALL Cinematics (HQ remastered) by Boulotaur2025
* тут у человека пропущен WoW 2001 ECTS trailer
2. World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer
* пропущен The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Has Begun!
* пропущен World of Warcraft - Patch 1.11: Shadow of the Necropolis
3. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Cinematic Trailer
4. The Black Temple Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit (2.1)
5. Legion - Demon Hunter Cinematic #1 by MMO-Champion
6. Legion - Illidan Order Hall Campaign Cinematic by MMO-Champion
* пропущен World of Warcraft - The Gods of Zul'Aman Remastered by IKedit (2.3)
7. World of Warcraft - Fury of the Sunwell Remastered (WoW Cinematic) by IKedit
8. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic Trailer
9. The Wrathgate Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit
* пропущен Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.1: Secrets of Ulduar
10. Fall of the Lich King Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit
11. Fall of the Lich King Ending Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by Pivotal
12. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight
13. Cataclysm: Dragon Soul Cutscenes by LegionOfTheShadow
14. Madness of Deathwing - Dragon Soul - End Cinematic Cataclysm Epilogue - END OF GAME by ZoomkinsBL
15. The Burdens of Shaohao Prelude: The Vision
16. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 1: Doubt
17. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 2: Despair
18. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 3: Fear
19. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 4: Anger
20. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 5: The Sundering
21. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer
22. WoW MOP: Horde Prologue Cinematic by FireMageAl
23. WoW MOP: Alliance Prologue Cinematic by FireMageAl
24. Mists of Pandaria Ingame Cinematic: The Battle of Serpent's Heart by drwuky
* пропущен Mists of Pandaria - Patch 5.2: The Thunder King
25. WoW: Mists of Pandaria - Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer by GameSpot
26. Mists of Pandaria Siege of Orgrimmar Ending Cinematic! (Alliance + Horde) by 8-Bit Tavern
27. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Announcement Trailer
28. Lords of War Part One – Kargath
29. Lords of War Part Two – Grommash
30. Lords of War Part Three – Durotan
31. Lords of War Part Four – Kilrogg
32. Lords of War Part Five – Maraad
33. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic
34. WoW Warlords of Dreanor Cinematic: Storm the Portal (1080p) by KolossalerKevin
35. Warlords of Draenor – Shadowmoon Valley Finale by Mendiola
36. Warlords of Draenor – Frostfire Ridge Finale by Mendiola
37. Warlords of Draenor – Talador Finale by Mendiola
38. Warlords of Draenor – Nagrand Finale by Mendiola
39. Patch 6.1 - The Legendary Quest Continues
40. Patch 6.2 – Fury of Hellfire
41. Hellfire Citadel - Archimonde Defeat Cinematic by MMO-Champion
42. World of Warcraft Cinematic Teaser
43. Harbingers - Gul'dan
44. Harbingers - Illidan
45. Harbingers - Khadgar
46. World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer
47. Battle for Broken Shore - Ending (Extended Cut Cinematic) by Mendiola
48. Legion - Demon Hunter Cinematic #2 by MMO-Champion
49. Legion - Stormheim Cinematic Sylvanas by MMO-Champion
50. Legion - Val'sharah Cinematic #1 by MMO-Champion
51. Legion - Val'sharah Cinematic #2 by MMO-Champion
52. Suramar Intro In-game Cinematic
53. Nighthold In-game Cinematic Finale
* пропущен Legion - Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan Preview
54. World of Warcraft: Legion - Patch 7.2 – The Tomb of Sargeras Trailer
55. Patch 7.2 In-game Cinematic - A Found Memento: Raising a King
56. Tomb of Sargeras In-game Cinematic Finale
57. Rejection of the Gift
58. The Battle for Argus Begins
59. Seat of the Pantheon - Rise of Argus Cinematic patch 7.3.2 - Antorus the Burning Throne by Noone182
60. Antorus Ending Cinematic by Wowhead
* World of Warcraft Extinction (Sargeras Sword Impact Cinematic , End of Legion) IKedit
61. Defeat of the Burning Legion: Alliance Epilogue
62. Defeat of the Burning Legion: Horde Epilogue
63. Warbringers: Sylvanas
64. Warbringers: Jaina
65. Warbringers: Azshara
66. Cinematic: “Old Soldier”
67. World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer
68. [Spoiler] The Siege of Lordaeron: Turn The Tide
69. [Spoiler] Lordaeron Throne Room Confrontation – Horde
70. [Spoiler] Arrival to Zandalar - Horde
71. [Spoiler] Arrival to Kul Tiras — Alliance
72. [Spoilers] Jaina's Nightmare
73. [Spoiler] Rastakhan's Deal with Bwonsamdi
74. [Spoiler] Realm Of Torment
75. [Spoiler] The Threat Within: Zandalar
76. [Spoiler] The Return of Hope: Kul Tiras
77. Cinematic: "Lost Honor"
78. Terror of Darkshore
79. Alliance Siege of Dazar'alor Cinematic by Wowhead
80. Rastakhan Dazar'alor Ending Cinematic
81. [Spoiler] An Unexpected Reunion
82. Cinematic: "Safe Haven"
83. Rise of Azshara Now Live – Cinematic (Alliance)
84. Crossroads - Cinematic (Spoiler)
85. Azshara's Eternal Palace - Raid Finale Cinematic (Spoilers)
86. The Negotiation – Cinematic (Spoiler)
87. Cinematic: “Reckoning” (Spoiler)
* пропущено Xal'atath and N'Zoth - cutscene
88. Visions of N'Zoth - Intro Cinematic
89. Ny'alotha Ending Cinematic - Visions of N'Zoth 8.3 by Noone182
90. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer
91. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview
92. Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion
93. Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus
94. Shadowlands Afterlives: Ardenweald
95. Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth
Посты по теме: World of WarCraft Now!: Откуда есть пошла | World of WarCraft: The List
* тут у человека пропущен WoW 2001 ECTS trailer
2. World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer
* пропущен The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Has Begun!
* пропущен World of Warcraft - Patch 1.11: Shadow of the Necropolis
3. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Cinematic Trailer
4. The Black Temple Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit (2.1)
5. Legion - Demon Hunter Cinematic #1 by MMO-Champion
6. Legion - Illidan Order Hall Campaign Cinematic by MMO-Champion
* пропущен World of Warcraft - The Gods of Zul'Aman Remastered by IKedit (2.3)
7. World of Warcraft - Fury of the Sunwell Remastered (WoW Cinematic) by IKedit
8. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic Trailer
9. The Wrathgate Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit
* пропущен Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.1: Secrets of Ulduar
10. Fall of the Lich King Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by IKedit
11. Fall of the Lich King Ending Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic) by Pivotal
12. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands
* пропущен Cataclysm - Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight
13. Cataclysm: Dragon Soul Cutscenes by LegionOfTheShadow
14. Madness of Deathwing - Dragon Soul - End Cinematic Cataclysm Epilogue - END OF GAME by ZoomkinsBL
15. The Burdens of Shaohao Prelude: The Vision
16. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 1: Doubt
17. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 2: Despair
18. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 3: Fear
19. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 4: Anger
20. The Burdens of Shaohao—Part 5: The Sundering
21. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer
22. WoW MOP: Horde Prologue Cinematic by FireMageAl
23. WoW MOP: Alliance Prologue Cinematic by FireMageAl
24. Mists of Pandaria Ingame Cinematic: The Battle of Serpent's Heart by drwuky
* пропущен Mists of Pandaria - Patch 5.2: The Thunder King
25. WoW: Mists of Pandaria - Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer by GameSpot
26. Mists of Pandaria Siege of Orgrimmar Ending Cinematic! (Alliance + Horde) by 8-Bit Tavern
27. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Announcement Trailer
28. Lords of War Part One – Kargath
29. Lords of War Part Two – Grommash
30. Lords of War Part Three – Durotan
31. Lords of War Part Four – Kilrogg
32. Lords of War Part Five – Maraad
33. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic
34. WoW Warlords of Dreanor Cinematic: Storm the Portal (1080p) by KolossalerKevin
35. Warlords of Draenor – Shadowmoon Valley Finale by Mendiola
36. Warlords of Draenor – Frostfire Ridge Finale by Mendiola
37. Warlords of Draenor – Talador Finale by Mendiola
38. Warlords of Draenor – Nagrand Finale by Mendiola
39. Patch 6.1 - The Legendary Quest Continues
40. Patch 6.2 – Fury of Hellfire
41. Hellfire Citadel - Archimonde Defeat Cinematic by MMO-Champion
42. World of Warcraft Cinematic Teaser
43. Harbingers - Gul'dan
44. Harbingers - Illidan
45. Harbingers - Khadgar
46. World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer
47. Battle for Broken Shore - Ending (Extended Cut Cinematic) by Mendiola
48. Legion - Demon Hunter Cinematic #2 by MMO-Champion
49. Legion - Stormheim Cinematic Sylvanas by MMO-Champion
50. Legion - Val'sharah Cinematic #1 by MMO-Champion
51. Legion - Val'sharah Cinematic #2 by MMO-Champion
52. Suramar Intro In-game Cinematic
53. Nighthold In-game Cinematic Finale
* пропущен Legion - Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan Preview
54. World of Warcraft: Legion - Patch 7.2 – The Tomb of Sargeras Trailer
55. Patch 7.2 In-game Cinematic - A Found Memento: Raising a King
56. Tomb of Sargeras In-game Cinematic Finale
57. Rejection of the Gift
58. The Battle for Argus Begins
59. Seat of the Pantheon - Rise of Argus Cinematic patch 7.3.2 - Antorus the Burning Throne by Noone182
60. Antorus Ending Cinematic by Wowhead
* World of Warcraft Extinction (Sargeras Sword Impact Cinematic , End of Legion) IKedit
61. Defeat of the Burning Legion: Alliance Epilogue
62. Defeat of the Burning Legion: Horde Epilogue
63. Warbringers: Sylvanas
64. Warbringers: Jaina
65. Warbringers: Azshara
66. Cinematic: “Old Soldier”
67. World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer
68. [Spoiler] The Siege of Lordaeron: Turn The Tide
69. [Spoiler] Lordaeron Throne Room Confrontation – Horde
70. [Spoiler] Arrival to Zandalar - Horde
71. [Spoiler] Arrival to Kul Tiras — Alliance
72. [Spoilers] Jaina's Nightmare
73. [Spoiler] Rastakhan's Deal with Bwonsamdi
74. [Spoiler] Realm Of Torment
75. [Spoiler] The Threat Within: Zandalar
76. [Spoiler] The Return of Hope: Kul Tiras
77. Cinematic: "Lost Honor"
78. Terror of Darkshore
79. Alliance Siege of Dazar'alor Cinematic by Wowhead
80. Rastakhan Dazar'alor Ending Cinematic
81. [Spoiler] An Unexpected Reunion
82. Cinematic: "Safe Haven"
83. Rise of Azshara Now Live – Cinematic (Alliance)
84. Crossroads - Cinematic (Spoiler)
85. Azshara's Eternal Palace - Raid Finale Cinematic (Spoilers)
86. The Negotiation – Cinematic (Spoiler)
87. Cinematic: “Reckoning” (Spoiler)
* пропущено Xal'atath and N'Zoth - cutscene
88. Visions of N'Zoth - Intro Cinematic
89. Ny'alotha Ending Cinematic - Visions of N'Zoth 8.3 by Noone182
90. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer
91. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview
92. Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion
93. Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus
94. Shadowlands Afterlives: Ardenweald
95. Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth
Посты по теме: World of WarCraft Now!: Откуда есть пошла | World of WarCraft: The List